Scavenging Activity dan Intensitas Warna dari Ubi Kayu dengan Penambahan D-glukosa dan D-sorbosa
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis scavenging activity dan intensitas warna yang dihasilkan dari reaksi Maillard pada ubi kayu yang dipanaskan dengan suhu 65°C selama 24 jam dengan pencelupan ke dalam larutan 0-2% b/v. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Laboratorium Kimia dan Gizi Pangan Fakultas Peternakan dan Pertanian dan Laboratorium Terpadu Universitas Diponegoro pada bulan Juli 2015 – Januari 2016. Bahan yang digunakan adalah ubi kayu, D-glukosa, D-sorbosa, DPPH dan alat yang digunakan adalah Digital Colormeter dan spektrofotometer. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penambahan konsentrasi gula berpengaruh nyata pada nilai a* dan b* ubi kayu, namun tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap nilai scavenging activity. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah konsentrasi gula dapat memberikan efek pada produk akibat adanya reaksi Maillard.
Kata kunci : D-glukosa, D-sorbosa, reaksi Maillard, scavenging activity, ubi kayu
This research was aimed to analyze scavenging activity and color intensity of the Maillard reaction in a heated cassava at 65˚C for 24 hours. This research was conducted at the Laboratory of Food Chemistry and Nutrition, Faculty of Animal and Agricultural Sciences and Integrated Laboratory of Diponegoro University during September 2015 - January 2016. Cassava was dipped into D-glucose and D-sorbose at 0-2% w/v then was heated at 65˚C. The materials were cassava, D-glucose, D-sorbose, DPPH. Digital Colormeter on mac and spectrophotometer were used as research equipment. The results showed that concentration of sugars significantly affected the change in value of a* and b* but did not significantly affected the scavenging activity. As conclusion, the concentration of sugars might change the color intensity to a Maillard reaction product.
Keywords : Cassava, D-glucose, D-sorbose, Maillard Reaction, Scavenging Activity
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